God is calling the next generation of Christian Leaders

Young Leaders is a 12-month leadership program for 10-12th grade students

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Our Mission

The 12 Month Apprenticeship Program:

CCYC has created an apprenticeship program called, “CCYC Young Leaders” to help develop young people spiritually, personally, and professionally through a 12-month intensive curriculum. :

1: Students accepted to the program will be partnered with a “Discipleship Unit” consisting of:

    • The student
    • a seasoned ministry coach (provided by CCYC)
    • and a local mentor from their home church.

This group will have regular conversations and work through specific assignments throughout the year to help the student develop their skill and experience in ministry.

2: The student will also join a cohort:

    • This will be a group of 4 to 5 other students from across the state who are also in the program
    • They will meet monthly (Online or in person as the group allows) to sharpen skills and encourage one another.

3: The will be a curriculum:

    • CCYC has developed a 12 months of learning goals, tools and conversations.
    • The focus will be on three pillars of Spiritual, Personal, and Professional growth.

Application and Acceptance Timeline:

    • Applications are available online now at www.theccyc.com/youngleaders.
    • They will be due by September 15, 2025.
    • Once a student has applied, there will be a process of CCYC representatives calling the referring minister/church leader and interviewing the applicant.
    • Accepted applicants will be notified in December 2025.
    • Those who may not make the program this year are welcome to apply again. We also want to do the best we can to help equip the local churches of that student to mentor them regardless of program acceptance. 
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